Registration Process
You are :
- a master’s student
- a PhD student
studying / working at a European research institute or university in the Photonics sector.
Maximum number of participants: ~50 undergraduates and PhD students
The registration procedure will consist of submitting :
- a motivation letter for Master’s students
- an abstract for PhD students
Please download guidelines and templates HERE.
Please submit your abstract relating to the topics covered during the summer school :
- Laser source development
- Laser industry 4.0
- Laser processing
- Quantum technologies
- Attosecond science
Participation to the Photonics TALENT Summer School is subject to review by the scientific and the organizing committee.
Please see below the registration process :
- Step 1 : Please create an account on the SciencesConf platform (if you don’t already have one).
- Step 2 : Download the guidelines and templates.
- Step 3 : Prepare your abstract or motivation letter (for master’s students).
- Step 4 : Submit your file in the « Abstract Submission » section from February 5th until March 8th, 2024.
- Step 5 : Wait! Our scientific committee will review the abstracts / motivation letters from March 8th until April 5th, 2024.
- A selection of posters will be considered for the poster session (with poster award) for PhD students. A select few will be notified by email to send in your poster.
- A limited number of motivation letters from Master’s students will be selected and these students shall receive a scholarship to cover the registration fees and travel expenses up to a maximum of € 200.
You will be notified by email from April 8th to April 12th.
- Step 6 : After receiving acceptance notification, you will need to confirm acceptance by registering and paying on the SciencesConf platform between April 15th and May 17th. Registration will close on May 17th.
- Step 7 : Organize your visit to the summer school. We look forward to seeing you in Bordeaux on July 8th.
For any missing information, contact the organizing committee by email at @Contact (please do not forget to specify the subject line "Information").